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Introduction to Solar Energy

Most countries around the world use electricity that are generated from fossil fuel – fossil fuel which are either natural gas, coal, or oil. But with the rise of environmental concerns, plus the fact that energy generated from these traditional energy sources may soon run out, making it significantly expensive, many people from around the world are already considering alternative energy sources such as solar energy to generate electricity.

Today, solar energy generation is getting increasingly important as an alternative to conventional energy generation from fossil fuel. This is because solar power generates renewable energy, which are limitless, as opposed to fossil fuel which are only limited resources.

Solar Energy in Malaysia

Malaysia is one of the countries in the world that fight against climate change. The country’s committed to reducing the carbon emissions brought by fossil fuel and has envisioned Green Technology to help conserve the environment for future generations.

Truth is, solar technology isn’t that new anymore. As early as the 7th Century, the early civilization already know how to produce solar power by concentrating the sun’s heat with mirrors to light fire. Over the years, solar technology has been developed to be used as renewable energy source to supply electricity at a lower cost.

Solar power market is rapidly growing despite its cost. Because it has a longer life-span compared to other technologies, guarantees long-term profit once it’s installed, and a great renewable energy source, more and more individuals plan to install solar technology to generate renewable energy that would be enough to power up your home or your business.

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